Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war in ancient Greek religion. Discover the dual nature, myths, and symbols of the goddess.
Orestes is one of the most enigmatic and psychologically complex tragic figures in ancient Greek mythology and drama. Son of King Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, Orestes found himself at the center of a family tragedy that marked the house of Atreus. His story revolves around the revenge he undertakes for the murder of his father by his mother and her lover Aegisthus, leading to the tragic act of matricide. The figure of Orestes has been a source of inspiration for [...]
Ancient Greek mythology offers rich narratives that capture the genesis and evolution of the world through cosmogonic myths. Among these, the Overthrow of Uranus' Reign holds a prominent position as one of the fundamental episodes of the theogony. It is the narrative of the conflict between the first divine generations, where Cronus, the youngest of the Titans, overthrows his father Uranus from the power of the universe. This dramatic transition of power marks a defining point in Greek mythology and [...]
The Minotaur of Crete is one of the most iconic figures of ancient Greek mythology, embodying the complex interplay between the human and the monstrous element. This monstrous creature, with the body of a man and the head of a bull, was born from the union of Pasiphae, the wife of King Minos, with a sacred bull sent by Poseidon. Its existence is inextricably linked to the famous Labyrinth of Knossos, an architectural marvel constructed by Daedalus at the command of Minos to imprison [...]
Hercules, the most prominent hero of Greek mythology, faced twelve exceptionally demanding labors at the command of Eurystheus, king of Mycenae. The fifth of these labors, the cleaning of the Augean stables, is a characteristic example of the hero's ingenuity and cleverness. Augeas, king of Elis, possessed vast herds of cattle, whose stables had not been cleaned for thirty years. Eurystheus, aware of the magnitude of the challenge, set the condition that the cleaning be completed in just one day. [...]
The Muses, the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, are fundamental figures of ancient Greek mythology who embody artistic inspiration and intellectual creation. Their presence in ancient Greek culture is decisive, as they served as protectors of the arts and sciences, inspiring poets, musicians, dancers, and philosophers. They resided on Olympus, where with their melodic voices they delighted the gods, and were often associated with places such as Helicon and Parnassus. Each Muse had her own distinct [...]
Atalanta is one of the most iconic figures of ancient Greek mythology, renowned for her exceptional prowess in hunting and athletics. Born in Arcadia or Boeotia, Atalanta was the daughter of King Iasus (or Schoeneus in the Boeotian version of the myth). According to tradition, her father, desiring a male heir, abandoned her as an infant on Mount Parthenius, where she was raised by a bear until hunters found her. As she grew up, Atalanta developed into an outstanding huntress, […]
The myth of Medea, one of the most complex figures in Greek mythology, begins in ancient Colchis, on the eastern shores of the Black Sea. As the daughter of King Aeetes and the Oceanid Idyia, Medea had divine ancestry and exceptional magical powers, which she had acquired as a priestess of Hecate. Her life changed dramatically with the arrival of the Argonauts and Jason in Colchis, in search of the Golden Fleece. Under the influence of Hera and Aphrodite, Medea fell in love […]
In ancient Greek mythology, love endures. Few tales express this truth as poignantly as the one involving Alcyone and her...
Pandora, the first woman in Greek mythology, is an emblematic figure inextricably linked to the concept of humanity’s destiny. Created...
The Nemean Lion, a creature of frightful power and unyielding skin, was more than a mere figment of fancy. It...
Hephaestus, god of fire, metallurgy and technology in ancient Greek mythology, holds a special place in the pantheon of the...