Φιλοκαλική Αναγέννηση: Η Πνευματική Αφύπνιση Της Ορθοδοξίας Τον 18Ο-19Ο Αι. Όσιοι, Μάρτυρες Και Η Ησυχαστική Παράδοση.
The Philokalic Renaissance, a spiritual movement that emerged during the 18th and 19th centuries, had a profound impact on the spiritual life of the Orthodox world during the period of Ottoman rule. This movement, centered on Mount Athos, was characterized by the presence of significant saints and martyrs, who, through their ascetic life and devotion to the Orthodox faith, contributed to the spiritual awakening and revitalization of the era. In the last two centuries of Turkish rule, the Philokalic Renaissance served as a beacon of spirituality and [...]
Gabriele L'Athos
Memory: June 11 Saint Gabriel the Athonite is one of the most significant figures of Athonite monasticism in the 10th century, inextricably linked with the miraculous event of the delivery of the hymn "Axion Estin." He practiced asceticism in Karyes of Mount Athos, at the Cell of the Dormition of the Theotokos in the area of Kapsala, which today belongs to the Monastery of Pantokrator. His spiritual journey is characterized by deep humility and dedication to the ascetic life under the guidance of his Elder. In the year 980 AD, he was deemed worthy of a [...]
Ο Ιωάννης Ο Ίβηρας Απεικονίζεται Σε Αγιογραφία Του 1888 Στη Μονή Ιβήρων
Memory: May 13th Saint John the Iberian is one of the most significant figures of Athonite monasticism in the 10th century. Born into a prominent family of Iberia, John Varasvatzes, as he was known in the world, distinguished himself as a curopalates and advisor to the ruler of Iberia, David. His decision to abandon worldly life and embrace monasticism marked the beginning of a new era for Mount Athos. In 965, he arrived at Athos, where he became closely associated with Saint Athanasius the Athonite, founder of the Great […]